EDA - Exploratory Data Analysis

Version: 3.00 - April 12, 2020 Comments have not been updated since April 3, 2020

In [33]:
import gc
import os
from pathlib import Path
import random
import sys

from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sp

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from IPython.core.display import display, HTML

# --- plotly ---
from plotly import tools, subplots
import plotly.offline as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import plotly.io as pio
pio.templates.default = "plotly_dark"

# --- models ---
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
import lightgbm as lgb
import xgboost as xgb
import catboost as cb

# --- setup ---
pd.set_option('max_columns', 50)
{'tags': ['hide_input']}

Load Data

In [2]:
for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk('./COVID19/'):
    for filename in filenames:
        os.path.join(dirname, filename)
In [3]:
datadir = Path('./COVID19/week 4/')

# Read in the data CSV files
train = pd.read_csv(datadir/'train.csv')
test = pd.read_csv(datadir/'test.csv')
submission = pd.read_csv(datadir/'submission.csv')
In [4]:
train.rename({'Country_Region': 'country', 'Province_State': 'province', 'Id': 'id', 'Date': 'date', 'ConfirmedCases': 'confirmed', 'Fatalities': 'fatalities'}, axis=1, inplace=True)
test.rename({'Country_Region': 'country', 'Province_State': 'province', 'Id': 'id', 'Date': 'date', 'ConfirmedCases': 'confirmed', 'Fatalities': 'fatalities'}, axis=1, inplace=True)
train['country_province'] = train['country'].fillna('') + '/' + train['province'].fillna('')
test['country_province'] = test['country'].fillna('') + '/' + test['province'].fillna('')

Worldwide Trend

In [6]:
ww_df = train.groupby('date')[['confirmed', 'fatalities']].sum().reset_index()
ww_df['new_case'] = ww_df['confirmed'] - ww_df['confirmed'].shift(1)

ww_melt_df = pd.melt(ww_df, id_vars=['date'], value_vars=['confirmed', 'fatalities', 'new_case']) ww_melt_df

In [7]:
ww_melt_df = pd.melt(ww_df, id_vars=['date'], value_vars=['confirmed', 'fatalities', 'new_case'])

Watch this exponential growth. It seems to be doubling each week.

In [8]:
fig = px.line(ww_melt_df, x="date", y="value", color='variable', 
              title="Worldwide Confirmed/Death Cases Over Time")

the number almost doubled in last 1 week...

Confirmed cases reached 593K people, and 27K people already died on March 27.

Confirmed cases reached 1M people, and 52K people already died on April 2.

Good news! Daily new confirmed cases start to decrease from April 4, I hope this trend will continue..

In [9]:
fig = px.line(ww_melt_df, x="date", y="value", color='variable',
              title="Worldwide Confirmed/Death Cases Over Time (Log scale)",

The fatalities curve seems to just be a shift of the curve for confirmed cases, meaning that mortality rate is almost constant. Watch as the mortality rate rises from 3% to 5% as of April 3rd, 2020. Europe and the US has been hit hard.

In [10]:
ww_df['mortality'] = ww_df['fatalities'] / ww_df['confirmed']

fig = px.line(ww_df, x="date", y="mortality", 
              title="Worldwide Mortality Rate Over Time")

Country-wide Growth

In [12]:
country_df = train.groupby(['date', 'country'])[['confirmed', 'fatalities']].sum().reset_index()
In [15]:
countries = country_df['country'].unique()
print(f'{len(countries)} countries are in the dataset')
184 countries are in the dataset
In [16]:
target_date = country_df['date'].max()

print('Date: ', target_date)
for i in [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000]:
    n_countries = len(country_df.query('(date == @target_date) & confirmed > @i'))
    print(f'{n_countries} countries have more than {i} confirmed cases')
Date:  2020-04-11
184 countries have more than 1 confirmed cases
167 countries have more than 10 confirmed cases
122 countries have more than 100 confirmed cases
68 countries have more than 1000 confirmed cases
20 countries have more than 10000 confirmed cases
In [17]:
ax = sns.distplot(np.log10(country_df.query('date == "2020-04-11"')['confirmed'] + 1))
ax.set_xlim([0, 6])
_ = ax.set_xticklabels(['0', '10', '100', '1k', '10k', '100k'])
In [22]:
top_country_df = country_df.query('(date == @target_date) & (confirmed > 10000)').sort_values('confirmed', ascending=False)
top_country_melt_df = pd.melt(top_country_df, id_vars='country', value_vars=['confirmed', 'fatalities'])

It seems that US, Italy, and Spain top the list with even Germany having more confirmed cases than China. Korea is also high relative to its population. I believe this is because Korea executes inspection aggressively.

In [23]:
fig = px.bar(top_country_melt_df.iloc[::-1],
             x='value', y='country', color='variable', barmode='group',
             title=f'Confirmed Cases/Deaths on {target_date}', text='value', height=700, orientation='h')

Let's check major country's growth by date.

In [34]:
top30_countries = top_country_df.sort_values('confirmed', ascending=False).iloc[:30]['country'].unique()
top30_countries_df = country_df[country_df['country'].isin(top30_countries)]
fig = px.line(top30_countries_df,
              x='date', y='confirmed', color='country',
              title=f'Confirmed Cases for top 30 country as of {target_date}')

We can see coronavirus hit China first, but its trend has gone down and flattened by March. Europe is hit by the second wave in March (Italy, Spain, Germany, France, UK). The third wave hits the US now, and the US has a higher growth rate than China or Europe. Its main spread starts from the ides of March and its speed is greater than that of Italy.

In [37]:
top30_countries = top_country_df.sort_values('fatalities', ascending=False).iloc[:30]['country'].unique()
top30_countries_df = country_df[country_df['country'].isin(top30_countries)]
fig = px.line(top30_countries_df,
              x='date', y='fatalities', color='country',
              title=f'Fatalities for top 30 country as of {target_date}')

We see that in terms of fatalities, Europe is more serious than the US right now

Let's look at mortality rate by country

In [38]:
top_country_df = country_df.query('(date == @target_date) & (confirmed > 100)')
top_country_df['mortality_rate'] = top_country_df['fatalities'] / top_country_df['confirmed']
top_country_df = top_country_df.sort_values('mortality_rate', ascending=False)
In [39]:
fig = px.bar(top_country_df[:30].iloc[::-1],
             x='mortality_rate', y='country',
             title=f'Mortality rate HIGH: top 30 countries on {target_date}', text='mortality_rate', height=800, orientation='h')

Italy's mortality rate is at 12% as of 4/3/2020. Overall, the top 30 countries have at least a 3-12x higher rate of mortality than what we are lead to believe (the 0.01% number for major demographics).

Maybe we can look at countries whose mortality rates are low for insight. THough, many of these countries simply do not report/measure fatalities properly.
In [41]:
fig = px.bar(top_country_df[-30:],
             x='mortality_rate', y='country',
             title=f'Mortality rate LOW: top 30 countries on {target_date}', text='mortality_rate', height=800, orientation='h')

We can see Italy, and Europe is pretty high. Same for the US and China. However, I wonder why the Phillipines and Indonesia are high while Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Australia are low - they're all tropical countries.

In [42]:
all_country_df = country_df.query('date == @target_date')
all_country_df['confirmed_log1p'] = np.log10(all_country_df['confirmed'] + 1)
all_country_df['fatalities_log1p'] = np.log10(all_country_df['fatalities'] + 1)
all_country_df['mortality_rate'] = all_country_df['fatalities'] / all_country_df['confirmed']
In [43]:
fig = px.choropleth(all_country_df, locations="country", 
                    locationmode='country names', color="confirmed_log1p", 
                    hover_name="country", hover_data=["confirmed", 'fatalities', 'mortality_rate'],
                    range_color=[all_country_df['confirmed_log1p'].min(), all_country_df['confirmed_log1p'].max()], 
                    title='Countries with Confirmed Cases')

# I'd like to update colorbar to show raw values, but this does not work somehow...
# Please let me know if you know how to do this!!
trace1 = list(fig.select_traces())[0]
trace1.colorbar = go.choropleth.ColorBar(
    tickvals=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    ticktext=['1', '10', '100', '1000','10000', '10000'])
In [44]:
fig = px.choropleth(all_country_df, locations="country", 
                    locationmode='country names', color="fatalities_log1p", 
                    hover_name="country", range_color=[0, 4],
                    hover_data=['confirmed', 'fatalities', 'mortality_rate'],
                    title='Countries with fatalities')
In [45]:
fig = px.choropleth(all_country_df, locations="country", 
                    locationmode='country names', color="mortality_rate", 
                    hover_name="country", range_color=[0, 0.12], 
                    title='Countries with mortality rate')

If we look at only "New" cases, we find the following trends:

China reached its peak in Feb 14, new confirmed cases for China is relatively low

Europe and US spread starts mid-March, after China slows down

Lock Down Policy in Europe (Italy, Spain, Germany, France) should now come into effect, seems that the number of new confirmed cases in Europe is not as high now as it was in mid-March

USA has the highes speed of new confirmed cases

In [46]:
n_countries = 20
n_start_death = 10
fatality_top_countires = top_country_df.sort_values('fatalities', ascending=False).iloc[:n_countries]['country'].values
country_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(country_df['date'])

df_list = []
for country in fatality_top_countires:
    this_country_df = country_df.query('country == @country')
    start_date = this_country_df.query('fatalities > @n_start_death')['date'].min()
    this_country_df = this_country_df.query('date >= @start_date')
    this_country_df['date_since'] = this_country_df['date'] - start_date
    this_country_df['fatalities_log1p'] = np.log10(this_country_df['fatalities'] + 1)
    this_country_df['fatalities_log1p'] -= this_country_df['fatalities_log1p'].values[0]

tmpdf = pd.concat(df_list)
tmpdf['date_since_days'] = tmpdf['date_since'] / pd.Timedelta('1 days')
In [47]:
fig = px.line(tmpdf,
              x='date_since_days', y='fatalities_log1p', color='country',
              title=f'Fatalities by country since 10 deaths, as of {target_date}')
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=[0, 21], y=[0, 3], name='Double by 7 days', line=dict(dash='dash', color=('rgb(200, 200, 200)'))))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=[0, 42], y=[0, 3], name='Double by 14 days', line=dict(dash='dash', color=('rgb(200, 200, 200)'))))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=[0, 63], y=[0, 3], name='Double by 21 days', line=dict(dash='dash', color=('rgb(200, 200, 200)'))))

China has finished its peak at Feb 14, new confirmed cases are surpressed now.

Europe and US spread starts on mid of March, after China slows down.

I feel effect of lock down policy in Europe (Italy, Spain, Germany, France) now comes on the figure, the number of new cases are not so increasing rapidly at the end of March.

Current US new confirmed cases are the worst speed, recording worst speed at more than 30k people/day at peak.

Daily new confirmed cases start to decrease from April 4, I hope this trend will continue..

In [48]:
country_df['prev_confirmed'] = country_df.groupby('country')['confirmed'].shift(1)
country_df['new_case'] = country_df['confirmed'] - country_df['prev_confirmed']
country_df['new_case'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
top30_country_df = country_df[country_df['country'].isin(top30_countries)]

fig = px.line(top30_country_df,
              x='date', y='new_case', color='country',
              title=f'DAILY NEW Confirmed cases world wide')
In [49]:
country_df['date'] = country_df['date'].apply(str)
country_df['confirmed_log1p'] = np.log1p(country_df['confirmed'])
country_df['fatalities_log1p'] = np.log1p(country_df['fatalities'])

fig = px.scatter_geo(country_df, locations="country", locationmode='country names', 
                     color="confirmed", size='confirmed', hover_name="country", 
                     hover_data=['confirmed', 'fatalities'],
                     range_color= [0, country_df['confirmed'].max()], 
                     projection="natural earth", animation_frame="date", 
                     title='COVID-19: Confirmed cases spread Over Time', color_continuous_scale="portland")
# fig.update(layout_coloraxis_showscale=False)
In [50]:
fig = px.scatter_geo(country_df, locations="country", locationmode='country names', 
                     color="fatalities", size='fatalities', hover_name="country", 
                     hover_data=['confirmed', 'fatalities'],
                     range_color= [0, country_df['fatalities'].max()], 
                     projection="natural earth", animation_frame="date", 
                     title='COVID-19: Fatalities growth Over Time', color_continuous_scale="portland")
In [51]:
country_df.loc[country_df['new_case'] < 0, 'new_case'] = 0.
fig = px.scatter_geo(country_df, locations="country", locationmode='country names', 
                     color="new_case", size='new_case', hover_name="country", 
                     hover_data=['confirmed', 'fatalities'],
                     range_color= [0, country_df['new_case'].max()], 
                     projection="natural earth", animation_frame="date", 
                     title='COVID-19: Daily NEW cases over Time', color_continuous_scale="portland")


Only 8 countries have province data
In [52]:
for country in countries:
    province = train.query('country == @country')['province'].unique()
    if len(province) > 1:       
        print(f'Country {country} has {len(province)} provinces')
Country Australia has 8 provinces
Country Canada has 12 provinces
Country China has 33 provinces
Country Denmark has 3 provinces
Country France has 11 provinces
Country Netherlands has 5 provinces
Country US has 54 provinces
Country United Kingdom has 11 provinces


In [53]:
usa_state_code_df = pd.read_csv('./usa_states2.csv')# Prepare data frame only for US. 

train_us = train.query('country == "US"')
train_us['mortality_rate'] = train_us['fatalities'] / train_us['confirmed']

# Convert province column to its 2-char code name,
state_name_to_code = dict(zip(usa_state_code_df['state_name'], usa_state_code_df['state_code']))
train_us['province_code'] = train_us['province'].map(state_name_to_code)

# Only show latest days.
train_us_latest = train_us.query('date == @target_date')
In [54]:
# Prepare data frame only for US. 

train_us = train.query('country == "US"')
train_us['mortality_rate'] = train_us['fatalities'] / train_us['confirmed']

# Convert province column to its 2-char code name,
state_name_to_code = dict(zip(usa_state_code_df['state_name'], usa_state_code_df['state_code']))
train_us['province_code'] = train_us['province'].map(state_name_to_code)

# Only show latest days.
train_us_latest = train_us.query('date == @target_date')
In [55]:
fig = px.choropleth(train_us_latest, locations='province_code', locationmode="USA-states",
                    color='confirmed', scope="usa", hover_data=['province', 'fatalities', 'mortality_rate'],
                    title=f'Confirmed cases in US on {target_date}')
In [56]:
train_us_latest.sort_values('confirmed', ascending=False)
    "tags": [
{'tags': ['hide_input']}
In [57]:
fig = px.choropleth(train_us_latest, locations='province_code', locationmode="USA-states",
                    color='mortality_rate', scope="usa", hover_data=['province', 'fatalities', 'mortality_rate'],
                    title=f'Mortality rate in US on {target_date}')
In [58]:
train_us_march = train_us.query('date > "2020-03-01"')
fig = px.line(train_us_march,
              x='date', y='confirmed', color='province',
              title=f'Confirmed cases by state in US, as of {target_date}')


In [59]:
# Ref: https://www.kaggle.com/abhinand05/covid-19-digging-a-bit-deeper
europe_country_list =list([
    'Italy', 'Latvia','Luxembourg','Lithuania','Malta','Norway','Netherlands','Poland','Portugal','Romania','Slovakia','Slovenia',
    'Spain', 'Sweden', 'United Kingdom', 'Iceland', 'Russia', 'Switzerland', 'Serbia', 'Ukraine', 'Belarus',
    'Albania', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'Kosovo', 'Moldova', 'Montenegro', 'North Macedonia'])

country_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(country_df['date'])
train_europe = country_df[country_df['country'].isin(europe_country_list)]
#train_europe['date_str'] = pd.to_datetime(train_europe['date'])
train_europe_latest = train_europe.query('date == @target_date')
In [60]:
fig = px.choropleth(train_europe_latest, locations="country", 
                    locationmode='country names', color="confirmed", 
                    hover_name="country", range_color=[1, train_europe_latest['confirmed'].max()], 
                    title=f'European Countries with Confirmed Cases as of {target_date}', scope='europe', height=800)
In [61]:
train_europe_march = train_europe.query('date >= "2020-03-01"')
fig = px.line(train_europe_march,
              x='date', y='confirmed', color='country',
              title=f'Confirmed cases by country in Europe, as of {target_date}')
In [62]:
fig = px.line(train_europe_march,
              x='date', y='fatalities', color='country',
              title=f'Fatalities by country in Europe, as of {target_date}')
In [63]:
train_europe_march['prev_confirmed'] = train_europe_march.groupby('country')['confirmed'].shift(1)
train_europe_march['new_case'] = train_europe_march['confirmed'] - train_europe_march['prev_confirmed']
fig = px.line(train_europe_march,
              x='date', y='new_case', color='country',
              title=f'DAILY NEW Confirmed cases by country in Europe')


In [64]:
country_latest = country_df.query('date == @target_date')

fig = px.choropleth(country_latest, locations="country", 
                    locationmode='country names', color="confirmed", 
                    hover_name="country", range_color=[1, 50000], 
                    title=f'Asian Countries with Confirmed Cases as of {target_date}', scope='asia', height=800)
In [65]:
top_asian_country_df = country_df[country_df['country'].isin(['China', 'Indonesia', 'Iran', 'Japan', 'Korea, South', 'Malaysia', 'Philippines'])]

fig = px.line(top_asian_country_df,
              x='date', y='new_case', color='country',
              title=f'DAILY NEW Confirmed cases world wide')


In [66]:
max_confirmed = country_df.groupby('country')['new_case'].max().reset_index()
country_latest = pd.merge(country_latest, max_confirmed.rename({'new_case': 'max_new_case'}, axis=1))
country_latest['new_case_peak_to_now_ratio'] = country_latest['new_case'] / country_latest['max_new_case']
In [67]:
recovering_country = country_latest.query('new_case_peak_to_now_ratio < 0.5')
major_recovering_country = recovering_country.query('confirmed > 100')
In [68]:
fig = px.bar(major_recovering_country.sort_values('new_case_peak_to_now_ratio', ascending=False),
             x='new_case_peak_to_now_ratio', y='country',
             title=f'Mortality rate LOW: top 30 countries on {target_date}', text='new_case_peak_to_now_ratio', height=1000, orientation='h')
In [69]:
fig = px.choropleth(country_latest, locations="country", 
                    locationmode='country names', color="new_case_peak_to_now_ratio", 
                    hover_name="country", range_color=[0, 1], 
                    # color_continuous_scale="peach", 
                    hover_data=['confirmed', 'fatalities', 'new_case', 'max_new_case'],
                    title='Countries with new_case_peak_to_now_ratio')
In [70]:
china_df = train.query('country == "China"')
china_df['prev_confirmed'] = china_df.groupby('country')['confirmed'].shift(1)
china_df['new_case'] = china_df['confirmed'] - china_df['prev_confirmed']
china_df.loc[china_df['new_case'] < 0, 'new_case'] = 0.
In [71]:
fig = px.line(china_df,
              x='date', y='new_case', color='province',
              title=f'DAILY NEW Confirmed cases in China by province')
In [72]:
china_df.query('(province == "Hubei") & (date > "2020-03-10")')
id province country date confirmed fatalities country_province prev_confirmed new_case
5476 7688 Hubei China 2020-03-11 67773.0 3046.0 China/Hubei 67760.0 13.0
5477 7689 Hubei China 2020-03-12 67781.0 3056.0 China/Hubei 67773.0 8.0
5478 7690 Hubei China 2020-03-13 67786.0 3062.0 China/Hubei 67781.0 5.0
5479 7691 Hubei China 2020-03-14 67790.0 3075.0 China/Hubei 67786.0 4.0
5480 7692 Hubei China 2020-03-15 67794.0 3085.0 China/Hubei 67790.0 4.0
5481 7693 Hubei China 2020-03-16 67798.0 3099.0 China/Hubei 67794.0 4.0
5482 7694 Hubei China 2020-03-17 67799.0 3111.0 China/Hubei 67798.0 1.0
5483 7695 Hubei China 2020-03-18 67800.0 3122.0 China/Hubei 67799.0 1.0
5484 7696 Hubei China 2020-03-19 67800.0 3130.0 China/Hubei 67800.0 0.0
5485 7697 Hubei China 2020-03-20 67800.0 3133.0 China/Hubei 67800.0 0.0
5486 7698 Hubei China 2020-03-21 67800.0 3139.0 China/Hubei 67800.0 0.0
5487 7699 Hubei China 2020-03-22 67800.0 3153.0 China/Hubei 67800.0 0.0
5488 7700 Hubei China 2020-03-23 67800.0 3153.0 China/Hubei 67800.0 0.0
5489 7701 Hubei China 2020-03-24 67801.0 3160.0 China/Hubei 67800.0 1.0
5490 7702 Hubei China 2020-03-25 67801.0 3163.0 China/Hubei 67801.0 0.0
5491 7703 Hubei China 2020-03-26 67801.0 3169.0 China/Hubei 67801.0 0.0
5492 7704 Hubei China 2020-03-27 67801.0 3174.0 China/Hubei 67801.0 0.0
5493 7705 Hubei China 2020-03-28 67801.0 3177.0 China/Hubei 67801.0 0.0
5494 7706 Hubei China 2020-03-29 67801.0 3182.0 China/Hubei 67801.0 0.0
5495 7707 Hubei China 2020-03-30 67801.0 3186.0 China/Hubei 67801.0 0.0
5496 7708 Hubei China 2020-03-31 67801.0 3187.0 China/Hubei 67801.0 0.0
5497 7709 Hubei China 2020-04-01 67802.0 3193.0 China/Hubei 67801.0 1.0
5498 7710 Hubei China 2020-04-02 67802.0 3199.0 China/Hubei 67802.0 0.0
5499 7711 Hubei China 2020-04-03 67802.0 3203.0 China/Hubei 67802.0 0.0
5500 7712 Hubei China 2020-04-04 67803.0 3207.0 China/Hubei 67802.0 1.0
5501 7713 Hubei China 2020-04-05 67803.0 3210.0 China/Hubei 67803.0 0.0
5502 7714 Hubei China 2020-04-06 67803.0 3212.0 China/Hubei 67803.0 0.0
5503 7715 Hubei China 2020-04-07 67803.0 3212.0 China/Hubei 67803.0 0.0
5504 7716 Hubei China 2020-04-08 67803.0 3213.0 China/Hubei 67803.0 0.0
5505 7717 Hubei China 2020-04-09 67803.0 3215.0 China/Hubei 67803.0 0.0
5506 7718 Hubei China 2020-04-10 67803.0 3216.0 China/Hubei 67803.0 0.0
5507 7719 Hubei China 2020-04-11 67803.0 3219.0 China/Hubei 67803.0 0.0

Sigmoid Fitting - When will it converge?

In [73]:
def sigmoid(t, M, beta, alpha, offset=0):
    alpha += offset
    return M / (1 + np.exp(-beta * (t - alpha)))

def error(x, y, params):
    M, beta, alpha = params
    y_pred = sigmoid(x, M, beta, alpha)
    loss_mse = np.mean((y_pred - y) ** 2)
    return loss_mse

def gen_random_color(min_value=0, max_value=256) -> str:
    """Generate random color for plotly"""
    r, g, b = np.random.randint(min_value, max_value, 3)
    return f'rgb({r},{g},{b})'
In [74]:
def fit_sigmoid(exclude_days=0):
    target_country_df_list = []
    pred_df_list = []
    for target_country in top30_countries:
        print('target_country', target_country)
        # --- Train ---
        target_country_df = country_df.query('country == @target_country')

        #train_start_date = target_country_df['date'].min()
        train_start_date = target_country_df.query('confirmed > 1000')['date'].min()
        train_end_date = pd.to_datetime(target_date) - pd.Timedelta(f'{exclude_days} days')
        target_date_df = target_country_df.query('(date >= @train_start_date) & (date <= @train_end_date)')
        if len(target_date_df) <= 7:
            print('WARNING: the data is not enough, use 7 more days...')
            train_start_date -= pd.Timedelta('7 days')
            target_date_df = target_country_df.query('(date >= @train_start_date) & (date <= @train_end_date)')

        confirmed = target_date_df['confirmed'].values
        x = np.arange(len(confirmed))

        lossfun = lambda params: error(x, confirmed, params)
        res = sp.optimize.minimize(lossfun, x0=[np.max(confirmed) * 5, 0.08, len(confirmed) / 3.], method='nelder-mead')
        M, beta, alpha = res.x
        # sigmoid_models[key] = (M, beta, alpha)
        # np.clip(sigmoid(list(range(len(data), len(data) + steps)), M, beta, alpha), 0, None).astype(int)

        # --- Pred ---
        pred_start_date = target_country_df['date'].min()
        pred_end_date = pd.to_datetime('2020-07-01')
        days = int((pred_end_date - pred_start_date) / pd.Timedelta('1 days'))
        # print('pred start', pred_start_date, 'end', pred_end_date, 'days', days)

        x = np.arange(days)
        offset = (train_start_date - pred_start_date) / pd.Timedelta('1 days')
        print('train_start_date', train_start_date, 'offset', offset, 'params', M, beta, alpha)
        y_pred = sigmoid(x, M, beta, alpha, offset=offset)
        # target_country_df['confirmed_pred'] = y_pred

        all_dates = [pred_start_date + np.timedelta64(x, 'D') for x in range(days)]
        pred_df = pd.DataFrame({
            'date': all_dates,
            'country': target_country,
            'confirmed_pred': y_pred,

    return target_country_df_list, pred_df_list
In [75]:
def plot_sigmoid_fitting(target_country_df_list, pred_df_list, title=''):
    n_countries = len(top30_countries)

    # --- Plot ---
    fig = go.Figure()

    for i in range(n_countries):
        target_country = top30_countries[i]
        target_country_df = target_country_df_list[i]
        pred_df = pred_df_list[i]
        color = gen_random_color(min_value=20)
        # Prediction
            x=pred_df['date'], y=pred_df['confirmed_pred'],
            line=dict(color=color, dash='dash')

        # Ground truth
            x=target_country_df['date'], y=target_country_df['confirmed'],
            mode='markers', name=f'{target_country}_actual',
        title=title, xaxis_title='Date', yaxis_title='Confirmed cases')
In [82]:
target_country_df_list, pred_df_list = fit_sigmoid(exclude_days=0)
target_country US
train_start_date 2020-03-11 00:00:00 offset 49.0 params 657015.6790332706 0.20382672193930348 24.658091808975826
target_country Italy
train_start_date 2020-02-29 00:00:00 offset 38.0 params 158430.2590210493 0.15448609594761578 25.976132061209668
target_country Spain
train_start_date 2020-03-09 00:00:00 offset 47.0 params 173642.32217462832 0.19733027845520587 20.89661262323048
target_country France
train_start_date 2020-03-08 00:00:00 offset 46.0 params 189124.30851937324 0.1638650278483556 28.641728593685748
target_country United Kingdom
train_start_date 2020-03-14 00:00:00 offset 52.0 params 118399.44421531817 0.1775433360464619 24.273942028693938
target_country Iran
train_start_date 2020-03-02 00:00:00 offset 40.0 params 97725.64042275422 0.10870672389075806 30.871984486240894
target_country Belgium
train_start_date 2020-03-16 00:00:00 offset 54.0 params 33261.71871578845 0.18321130486588336 17.803438631144335
target_country China
train_start_date 2020-01-25 00:00:00 offset 3.0 params 81576.47275611071 0.217169261709817 14.857179222225493
target_country Germany
train_start_date 2020-03-08 00:00:00 offset 46.0 params 136234.08926411846 0.18474466123157268 22.194912907614267
target_country Netherlands
train_start_date 2020-03-15 00:00:00 offset 53.0 params 28529.139491263333 0.16424323458899873 17.508764235945524
target_country Brazil
train_start_date 2020-03-21 00:00:00 offset 59.0 params 44358.35100065984 0.1621078167751559 21.57889561982059
target_country Turkey
train_start_date 2020-03-22 00:00:00 offset 60.0 params 78662.04394137365 0.20777163532218648 17.084116326098222
target_country Switzerland
train_start_date 2020-03-13 00:00:00 offset 51.0 params 25914.04197090856 0.18384708254171103 14.340043461654105
target_country Sweden
train_start_date 2020-03-15 00:00:00 offset 53.0 params 21307.979322185143 0.11131971398795662 27.75659153617965
target_country Canada
train_start_date 2020-03-21 00:00:00 offset 59.0 params 30309.652084526628 0.1924119099350487 14.985466678776017
target_country Portugal
train_start_date 2020-03-20 00:00:00 offset 58.0 params 18395.25181660867 0.1897864666409549 13.405847853851203
target_country Austria
train_start_date 2020-03-16 00:00:00 offset 54.0 params 13672.423517653246 0.23089161923063783 10.346496820724528
target_country Indonesia
train_start_date 2020-03-27 00:00:00 offset 65.0 params 50571.091754437155 0.0889976562299683 43.12486709913735
target_country Ireland
train_start_date 2020-03-23 00:00:00 offset 61.0 params 102823.70644147813 0.09895498069503986 43.24127458613505
target_country Ecuador
train_start_date 2020-03-24 00:00:00 offset 62.0 params 269474.78550762986 0.10322452374898944 53.34277901098674
target_country Romania
train_start_date 2020-03-26 00:00:00 offset 64.0 params 8760.89962925572 0.16157608852012256 11.655433028855686
target_country India
train_start_date 2020-03-29 00:00:00 offset 67.0 params 14990.680563830174 0.21983042317130144 11.866155098720382
target_country Algeria
train_start_date 2020-04-03 00:00:00 offset 72.0 params 3833.7018534649537 0.091913031650622 8.932995984394168
target_country Denmark
train_start_date 2020-03-17 00:00:00 offset 55.0 params 13351.5634751254 0.10072397357130078 25.7647887936776
target_country Philippines
train_start_date 2020-03-28 00:00:00 offset 66.0 params 4596.236814259877 0.2661859903989866 4.0888543218032645
target_country Mexico
train_start_date 2020-03-31 00:00:00 offset 69.0 params 35353.12401690889 0.1254249208360822 27.70611820091007
target_country Korea, South
train_start_date 2020-02-26 00:00:00 offset 35.0 params 9812.448362901723 0.17250573322649462 6.615790556016506
target_country Poland
train_start_date 2020-03-25 00:00:00 offset 63.0 params 9774.742277866091 0.16052644743921018 13.178905066086564
target_country Peru
train_start_date 2020-03-31 00:00:00 offset 69.0 params 75690.66921387843 0.19439300564139883 22.750643478987875
target_country Egypt
train_start_date 2020-04-04 00:00:00 offset 73.0 params 2880.3761827826065 0.17679810431463353 3.003538110497774
In [83]:
plot_sigmoid_fitting(target_country_df_list, pred_df_list, title='Sigmoid fitting with all latest data')

The results I get show me that the number of confirmed cases will slow down and converge in mid-April for most of the USA.

Iran, belgium< Sweden, and Denmark will converge later - around May

Let's validate the accuracy by checking what it would have predicted last week by excluding data for the past 7 days

In [84]:
target_country_df_list, pred_df_list = fit_sigmoid(exclude_days=7)
target_country US
train_start_date 2020-03-11 00:00:00 offset 49.0 params 479769.0475019108 0.23988747797867918 21.741296668500745
target_country Italy
train_start_date 2020-02-29 00:00:00 offset 38.0 params 139903.71499024713 0.174425239757677 24.105802666461074
target_country Spain
train_start_date 2020-03-09 00:00:00 offset 47.0 params 157279.43278237246 0.21546236883815423 19.749892351489464
target_country France
train_start_date 2020-03-08 00:00:00 offset 46.0 params 408670.7701924284 0.13808386256223276 36.99995574811729
target_country United Kingdom
train_start_date 2020-03-14 00:00:00 offset 52.0 params 83670.26850573567 0.2038854699075811 20.832704202743102
target_country Iran
train_start_date 2020-03-02 00:00:00 offset 40.0 params 145976.83985161313 0.09576907575435012 37.83008806463322
target_country Belgium
train_start_date 2020-03-16 00:00:00 offset 54.0 params 25573.489602379912 0.219130150290169 14.929937931232741
target_country China
train_start_date 2020-01-25 00:00:00 offset 3.0 params 81355.937795293 0.2185317742686732 14.820569536319777
target_country Germany
train_start_date 2020-03-08 00:00:00 offset 46.0 params 121238.72736640068 0.20330773079202452 20.78349513804229
target_country Netherlands
train_start_date 2020-03-15 00:00:00 offset 53.0 params 21650.2220175864 0.20207816324231617 14.112569662118908
target_country Brazil
train_start_date 2020-03-21 00:00:00 offset 59.0 params 154301.53098657355 0.15069044199538761 31.441601890718516
target_country Turkey
train_start_date 2020-03-22 00:00:00 offset 60.0 params 33494.52764464106 0.3160958988670078 10.29992413251774
target_country Switzerland
train_start_date 2020-03-13 00:00:00 offset 51.0 params 22389.31609382701 0.21768039831015215 12.487644420855759
target_country Sweden
train_start_date 2020-03-15 00:00:00 offset 53.0 params 85185.97497592165 0.09909866765355599 45.080411200972264
target_country Canada
train_start_date 2020-03-21 00:00:00 offset 59.0 params 20321.602987467857 0.23133815458218543 11.31507892015797
target_country Portugal
train_start_date 2020-03-20 00:00:00 offset 58.0 params 14034.18876668576 0.23997623738649432 10.466613337946065
target_country Austria
train_start_date 2020-03-16 00:00:00 offset 54.0 params 12859.398916223776 0.25374136242172063 9.670978647991223
target_country Indonesia
train_start_date 2020-03-27 00:00:00 offset 65.0 params 4182.446016592226 0.13831302946861374 7.928483771498822
target_country Ireland
train_start_date 2020-03-23 00:00:00 offset 61.0 params 7882.994947681173 0.17064186737381412 10.1290467941874
target_country Ecuador
train_start_date 2020-03-24 00:00:00 offset 62.0 params 11089.319120600121 0.13650631731679091 16.37861687908739
target_country Romania
train_start_date 2020-03-26 00:00:00 offset 64.0 params 9131.466523403386 0.16861823600617767 11.6814768518462
target_country India
WARNING: the data is not enough, use 7 more days...
train_start_date 2020-03-22 00:00:00 offset 60.0 params 53108.91209017098 0.17022245153506116 29.321315201959976
target_country Algeria
WARNING: the data is not enough, use 7 more days...
train_start_date 2020-03-27 00:00:00 offset 65.0 params 3913.3458788745593 0.19010871136621113 11.782088107095504
target_country Denmark
train_start_date 2020-03-17 00:00:00 offset 55.0 params 85787.07832124038 0.0822972793598164 54.06472084369031
target_country Philippines
train_start_date 2020-03-28 00:00:00 offset 66.0 params 3874.864878627653 0.3485554551941743 2.780993332309605
target_country Mexico
WARNING: the data is not enough, use 7 more days...
train_start_date 2020-03-24 00:00:00 offset 62.0 params 2623.9636221264454 0.22159082157216303 8.496860235909327
target_country Korea, South
train_start_date 2020-02-26 00:00:00 offset 35.0 params 9343.873342251984 0.21289710968987058 5.962676319218751
target_country Poland
train_start_date 2020-03-25 00:00:00 offset 63.0 params 12046.67144476928 0.15008992454229103 15.510782356399204
target_country Peru
WARNING: the data is not enough, use 7 more days...
train_start_date 2020-03-24 00:00:00 offset 62.0 params 4672.830618447512 0.16895234846114043 13.94933862713594
target_country Egypt
WARNING: the data is not enough, use 7 more days...
train_start_date 2020-03-28 00:00:00 offset 66.0 params 11264.062166976735 0.10146027984175449 29.33137347205019
In [85]:
d = plot_sigmoid_fitting(target_country_df_list, pred_df_list, title='Sigmoid fitting without last 7days data')

It seems as though sigmoid fitting tends to UNDERESTIMATE the curve, and its actual value tends to be more than the sigmoid curve fit estimation.